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Anne Wallace
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5.00 average based on 1 review.
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David McCutcheon
Feedback digest by David McCutcheon, 7 Sep 2018 This Feedback Digest is based on 11 feedbacks in 11 mediations, initially submitted in March, 2010 and updated to January 2023. Ms. Wallace has consistently been rated at Performance Levels 4 and 5 by the parties to mediations in which she was the mediator. All of the respondents would recommend Ms. Wallace to others, and were either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall mediation process and the result obtained by the parties. All of the respondents were willing to act as a reference on this mediator’s IMI profile, on the IMI web portal. The costs of the mediator were reported to be reasonable. Several of the responding parties indicated that the mediator had a full appreciation for both the interests of the parties, and the process. She also received good support of managing the mediation process, both from a communication standpoint in dealing directly with the parties, and in a management outcome. The respondents indicated that even where a settlement agreement had not been reached, they left the mediation with a better appreciation of the case, and its issues. She also received compliments for handling difficult parties and controlling abusive behaviour by parties. The most recent comments echo the earlier reported feedback with the responding parties again reporting that the mediator adapted her approach to the parties in an intelligent way and that they would recommend her to others. There were no reportable negative comments.
As of November 2020 five more user reports were submitted to review. Anne had uniformly excellent ratings for her skills and party satisfaction. Among other favourable comments users said she was "logical and speaks plainly" and that she "provided options that were not previously on the table." All of the users would use her services again and thought she provided good value. She also got high marks for a practical approach. There were no reportable negative comments.
This feedback digest was last updated 13 November 2020
As of January 2023 there have been five further feedback digests. The all are consistent with the comments above. Anne Wallace was rated very highly overall at 5 with 2 4 ratings. All of the reviews praised her skill and efficiency in managing difficult mediations. It was reported that she has the ability to bring expectations to a reasonable level, that the process was smoother than anticipated, and that she was effective, fair and engaging. One reviewer noted that she was able to quickly identify the issues and be direct with the parties. She was described as creative and likely to engage the parties in re-thinking their positions. There were no negative comments. All of the responses said that they would use her and recommend her.
by David McCutcheon, 25 Apr 2024
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