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Elizabeth Corte
Review September 2022 by Elizabeth Corte, 7 Mar 2023 Me Elizabeth Corte, avocate
Juge à la retraite,
Juge en chef, Cour du Québec 2009-2016
In 2017 I sponsored Me Élise Groulx summarising comments of more than 20 testimonials about her work as mediator. I wrote:
“This summary is based on testimonials received about 20 mediations. The diversity of these mediations testifies to the capacity of Me Groulx to master the issues mentioned and to adapt her skills as a mediator to each situation. Often conflicting political interests were at stake in many of these mediations, increasing their degree of complexity. No negative comments were received…”
In April 2021, 5 years later, I became aware of very positive comments about her work as a mediator. The testimonies indicated her ability to listen, her understanding of the situation in question, her patience, her dedication, and the human qualities that contributed to the resolution of the mediations she had undertaken.
Selected with the agreement of the parties, Me Élise Groulx conducted a mediation that lasted from the end of August 2021 to mid-January 2022 on behalf of the organization ACT on living wages This German-based organization aims to promote the right of association and fair wages. The mediation covered hundreds (originally nearly 800) of Southeast Asian workers and Chinese employers who owned textile factories.
Attached are the letters of recommendation of Mr. Michael Reidick who represented the brands (buyers of Chinese products) at the heart of the dispute and Mr. Stephen Benedict who represented the international unions, based in Brussels. Both attended the mediation sessions that led to the resolution of the conflict.
Their comments about Mr. Groulx's work are even more laudatory because they recognize the difficulty of his mandate, which included complex elements and a particular dynamic between the parties: employer, union, and brands:
“Ms Groulx displayed a singular tenacity in understanding and mastering the complexities of relevant Myanmar labour legislation and the competing interests of stakeholders. Her dedication to keeping lines of communication open throughout this process required significant patience and commitment. Her ability to carry out this work in three languages (English, Burmese, and Chinese) was remarkable.” (Stephen Benedict)
“I am very pleased with her drive and dedication to finally close the case in a manner and consens, where no party feels being the losing one” (Michael Reidick)
Both strongly recommend Me Groulx for her great competence and her qualities as a mediator.
Me Élizabeth Corte
13 septembre 2022
Me Elizabeth Corte, avocate
Juge à la retraite,
Juge en chef, Cour du Québec 2009-2016
En 2017, je parrainais Me Élise Groulx en résumant les commentaires de plus de 20 témoignages sur son travail de médiatrice, j’écrivais:
"Ce résumé est basé sur les témoignages reçus en vertu de 20 médiations. La diversité de ces médiations témoigne de la capacité de Mme Groulx à maîtriser les problématiques citées, et à adapter ses compétences en tant que médiatrice, à chaque situation. Des intérêts politiques souvent opposés étaient en jeu dans bon nombre de ces médiations, ce qui augmentait leur degré de complexité. Aucun commentaire négatif n'a été formulé..."
En avril 2021, près de 5 ans plus tard, je prenais connaissance des commentaires très positifs sur son travail de médiatrice. Les attestations faisaient état de sa capacité d’écoute, sa compréhension de la situation particulière en cause, sa patience, son dévouement et des qualités humaines qui contribuaient à la résolution des médiations entreprises.
Sélectionnée avec l’accord des parties, Me Élise Groulx a mené une médiation qui a duré de la fin aout 2021 à la mi-janvier 2022 pour le compte de l’organisation ACT on living wages Cette organisation basée en Allemagne a pour objectif la promotion du droit d’association et de « fair wages ». La médiation couvrait des centaines (près de 800 à l’origine) de travailleurs d’Asie du Sud-Est et des employeurs chinois, propriétaires de fabriques de textile.
Sont jointes à la présente les lettres de recommandation de Monsieur Michael Reidick qui représentait les marques (acheteurs des produits chinois) au cœur du conflit et Monsieur Stephen Benedict qui représentait les syndicats internationaux, basés à Bruxelles. Tous deux ont assisté aux séances de la médiation qui a mené à la résolution du conflit.
Leurs commentaires au sujet du travail de Me Groulx sont d’autant plus élogieux qu’ils reconnaissent la difficulté de son mandat qui comprenait des éléments complexes et une dynamique particulière entre les parties : employeur, syndicat et marques :
“Ms Groulx displayed a singular tenacity in understanding and mastering the complexities of relevant Myanmar labour legislation and the competing interests of stakeholders. Her dedication to keeping lines of communication open throughout this process required significant patience and commitment. Her ability to carry out this work in three languages (English, Burmese, and Chinese) was remarkable.” (Stephen Benedict)
“I am very pleased with her drive and dedication to finally close the case in a manner and consens, where no party feels being the losing one” (Michael Reidick)
Tous deux recommandent fortement Me Groulx pour sa grande compétence et ses qualités de médiatrice.
Me Élizabeth Corte
8 septembre 2022
by Elizabeth Corte, 27 Apr 2024
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