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Elodie-Anne Telemaque
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Institut Français de Certification des Médiateurs Amar
Feedback Digest by Institut Français de Certification des Médiateurs Amar, 16 Mar 2021 Name of the Reviewer: Dominique DOLLOIS
Name of the mediator: Elodie-Anne TELEMAQUE
Mediation organization : IFCM
Number of assessments received concerning the mediator: 12 since May 2015
This report has been established by the reviewer on the basis of the assessment forms sent back by mediation users and allows to draw the following conclusions regarding the quality of the mediation services provided by the mediator and the characteristics of her practice:
Elodie-Anne intervenes particularly in civil and economic matters.
1. 100% of users have indicated that they would choose this mediator again.
2. Moreover, they would all recommend this mediator to potential users. Their choice is motivated by Elodie-Anne's ability to make the framework of mediation understood and to make its process respected, to take the measure of the conflict and the feelings of the parties, to reestablish with great finesse the respect and dialogue between the parties and to allow the parties to jointly elaborate a solution to the dispute.
Her psychological competence was also highlighted.
3. In the opinion of all users, Elodie-Anne excels by her talents and skills and has demonstrated more particularly the following talents and skills:
- Quality of listening,
- Respect for the persons concerned (mediated parties and lawyers)
- Patience and finesse,
- Firmness and creativity,
- Synthesis capacity,
- Pugnacity
4. Among the talents and skills of the mediator, her great ability to listen to the parties, her capacity for analysis and rewording, as well as her patience and neutrality have had a decisive influence on the outcome of the mediation.
5. The choice of the mediator has been made:
a) on the IFCM website in 0% of the cases,
b) upon suggestion of a colleague, a law firm or another professional in 30% of the cases
c) through an organization or institution in 70% of cases
d) by one of the other parties involved in 0% of the cases
(e) by other means, such as having met her in the course of training or on the occasion of another case, in 0% of cases;
6. With regard to the cost of the mediator, it was estimated to be satisfactory to very satisfactory in 80% of cases, bearing in mind that for 50% of the users, the cost was neutral or irrelevant since it was borne by another party.
20% stated that this cost was very satisfactory.
Some of the respondents did not answer on this point.
One respondent underlined Elodie-Anne TELEMAQUE’s ability to take into account the limited resources of one of the mediated parties.
7. The satisfaction rate expressed by the users with the mediation process and within the result obtained by the parties is :
- Satisfied = 70%.
- Very satisfied = 30%.
being specified that some users believe that without mediation the case would not have come to a successful conclusion.
Some of the users emphasized that parties and counsel were delighted to get out of an inextricable situation.
Others pointed out that mediation had been a rewarding experience in a dispute that was particularly well adapted to the process.
8. When a mediation or conflict resolution organization was involved in the selection of the mediator, the overall level of satisfaction of users with this organization is 100% of the opinions expressed, it being specified that two persons did not answer this question.
9. For 100% of the respondents, mediation enabled participants to solve most of their problems.
Independently of the successful outcome of the mediation, the benefit of participating in mediation was to take the debate out of the courtroom and to return to more peaceful relationships, to offer a solution that the current litigation could not achieve, or to be a very enriching experience for those who were participating in mediation for the first time.
Some have chosen to train themselves in mediation.
Another remarkable point : no negative or critical comments were noted in the questionnaires concerning Elodie-Anne.
10. In 70% of the cases, it was not a first mediation for the users.
11. Lastly, the following persons agreed to be quoted as a reference in the mediator's profile on the IFCM website:
- Maître Alexandre GRUBER, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, email :
- Maître Sophie HAVARD DUCLOS, Attorney at the Paris Bar, email:
- Maître Yann CHENET, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, email :
- Maître Emmanuel BAUD, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, email :
- Maître Romain CARAYOL, Lawyer at the Paris Bar and former member of the Bar Council, email :
- Maître René SPADOLA, Lawyer at the Marseille Bar, email :
- Narboni law firm, Maître Muriel GIRARD, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, email :
- Maître Pierre LAUTIER, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, email :
- Company IMMO MOUSQUETAIRES (MOUSQUETAIRES-INTERMARCHE Group), Mr. Ronan RICHARD, Director of Legal Affairs for Real Estate, email :
Paris, January 28, 2021
by Institut Français de Certification des Médiateurs Amar, 26 Apr 2024
IMI Support
Feedback digest by IMI Support, 24 Aug 2018 Number of assessments received in respect of the mediator: 6 since May 2015 This report has been established by the reviewer based on the assessment forms sent back by mediation users and allows to draw the following conclusions regarding the quality of the mediation services granted by the mediator and the essence of its practice: 1. 100% of users have indicated that they would select this mediator again. 2. Furthermore, they would all recommend this mediator to potential users. Their choice relies on the mediator’s listening and rewording skills as well as her talent to explain the mediation context and to comply with its process. 3. Based on the opinions of all users, Elodie-Anne TELEMAQUE has shown, in particular, the following skills and talents: - listening and rewording skills; - respecting the relevant persons (mediated parties and lawyers); - patience and sensitivity; - firmness and creativity; - skills for synthesis; - pugnacity. 4. Among the skills and talents of the mediator, her listening skills and rewording ability as well as her neutrality have proved decisive in respect of the outcome of the mediation. These skills allowed a better listening of the concerns of the other party by each of the mediated parties. 5. The mediator was selected: a) on the IFCM web site: 0%; b) upon suggestion of a colleague, of a Law Firm or another professional: 30%; c) through an organization or an institution: 70%; d) by one of the other parties involved: 0%; e) by other means (having met her in a training or in the context of another matter): 0%. 6. In respect of the costs of the mediator, 50% of respondents considered that the cost of the mediation was neutral or non-applicable. 20% stated that this cost was very satisfactory. Certain respondents declined to answer this question. One respondent emphasized Elodie-Anne TELEMAQUE’s adaptability to take into account the limited resources of one of the mediated persons. 7. The satisfaction rate expressed by the users in connection with the mediation process and with the outcome obtained by the parties is as follows: • very unsatisfied: 0% • unsatisfied: 0% • neutral: 0% • satisfied: 70% • very satisfied: 30% • not applicable: 0% Certain users insisted in emphasizing that the parties and counsels had been extremely happy to come out of an inextricable situation. Others emphasized that the mediation had been a very successful and satisfactory experience in a context particularly adapted to the process. 8. When a mediation or conflict resolution organization was involved in the selection of the mediator, the overall satisfaction rate of the users in respect of such organization amounted to 100% of expressed opinions, it being specified that two persons did not answer this question. 9. For 100% of respondents, the mediation allowed the participants to solve most of their problems. Certain respondents emphasized that, independently of the successful outcome of the mediation, the benefit of their participation consisted in the possibility offered to each party to extensively express and assert its point of view. One of the respondents indicated that his participation in the mediation was an extremely useful opening on alternative dispute-resolution methods. This experience prompted him to be trained in mediation. It must be noted that no negative comment or criticism has been made in the questionnaire regarding Elodie-Anne TELEMAQUE. 10. 60% of respondents did resort to mediation before. 11. Lastly, the following accepted to be listed as reference in this mediator’s profile on the IFCM web site: - Maître Alexandre GRUBER, Avocat at the Paris Bar, email: - Maître Sophie HAVARD DUCLOS, Avocat at the Paris Bar, email: - Maître CHENET, Avocat at the Paris Bar, email: - Maître BAUD, Avocat at the Paris Bar, email: - Maître Romain CARAYOL, Avocat at the Paris Bar and member of the Bar Council, email:
This feedback digest was last updated 9 October 2015.
by IMI Support, 26 Apr 2024
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